Chennai Stock:JOINT Communiquiqué of the United States-OMAN SUBCOMMITTEEE on ENVIRONMENTAL AFFFAIRS and Joint FORUM on ENVIRONMENTAL Cooperation


The Text of the Following Communiquiqué Was Released by the GoverNTS of the United States of America and the Sultanate of the Occasion of the Inaugural Me ETING of the Subcommittee on ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS and the FOURTH Meeting of the Joint FORUM on ENVIRONMENTAL Cooperation.Chennai Stock

Begin Text:Nagpur Stock

On February 19, 2024, The Government of the Sultanate of Oman and the Government of the University of American Mittee on ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS (SUBCOMMITTEE) ESTABLISHED Under the United) And the FourTh Meeting of the Joint FORUM on ENVIRONTAL Cooperation Established Under The United States -Man Memorandum ONDENDINGINGINTANTANTANTANTAL ATION (MOU). The Mou was nepented in Parallel with the FTA and Recognizes the Importation of Streangthening CapacityPromotion Sustainable Economic Development, in Concert with the Expanded Bilateral TradeLationship as a Result of the FTA.

The Meetings Serve as an Important Opportonity to Continue and Enhance The Longstanding Bilateral Relationship Between The United States and Oman, and to highlight a s HARED Commission to Environmental Protection and the Sustainable Use of Nature Resources.

The Oman Delegation Included Represatives from the Environment Authority; Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Investment; Ministry of Foreign AFFFAIRS; and MINIST Ry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Water Resources. The United States DELEGATION Included Repressentatives from the Office of the U.S. Trade RepreSentative,U.SSimla Wealth Management. DEPARTMENT of State, U.S. Embassy Muscat, U.S. DEPARTMENT of the Interior, National Park Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminivity, And U.S. D Epartment of agriculture forest service.

The Subcommittee Reviewed The PARTIES ‘Progress in Implementing Obligations Under The Environment Chapter (Chaprid 17) of the FTA by Exchange Information Ing Recent Actions Each Party has taken to: (1) Establish high levels of Environmental Protection; (2) Effectively Environmental LawsAnd regulations; and (3) Prove Opportunities for Publicipation with Respect to the Implementation of the Environment Chapter.

In this regard, The GovernAnts Exchanged Information and Views Regarding Respective and Global Efforts To: Tackle the Climate Crisis; Conservation, Including Through Combating Illegal, Unreported and Unregulating (IUU) Fishing and Implementing The WTO Fisheries Subsidies Agreement; Promote Circ Ular EconomyAPPROACHES, Including with Respect to Waste Management and Plastic Pollution; And Combat Wildlife Trafficking and Support The Implementation of the Convention International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

The Joint FORUM Reviewed The Implementation of the Mou and Discussed Environmental Cooperation Projects Completed UnderTer The 2018-2021 Plan of Action on ENVIRONMENTAL Cooperation, INCLUDING ACTIVITITIES on Protected Area Management, Sea Turtle Conservation, Implementation of Cites, Combration Wildlife Trafficking, and DISASTER MENT andEmergeency Preparedness.

The Joint forum Ali Approved The 2024-2027 Plan of Action, Which Includes The Follow Priorities for Environmental COPATION: Protecting Wildlife and Combat Ing Wildlife Traction; Tackling the Climate Crisis; Combating Plastic and Air Pollution; StreangThening Environmental LaWS and Enforcement; Improving DIS ASTER Management Response; ADVANCING INCLUSIVENESS in the Development, Implementation, and ENFOREMENT of the Governments’ Respective DomeStic Environmental Laws, Regations, and P olicies.Surat Stock

The Subcommittee and Joint Forum Held a Joint Public Session on February 20, Consistent with Relevant Requirements in Chapter 17 of the FTA. D CIVIL SOCIETY and Private Security Reprerentatives. The GoverNENTS UpDated the Public About their Respects to Implement Chapter 17 andTo Streangthen Environmental Coopration Under The Mou. Public Participants Had the Opportonity to Engage Directly with Government Office ND Asking Questions About Implementation of the FTA CHAPTER 17 and the MOU.

End text.

Surat Investment